Anastasia Gracheva, 2025
Cities of the 21st century,
Nostalgic for the world’s past,
Drown in caffeine lights,
As they rush to work in the morning.
Remembering Tolstoy’s novels
The beautiful girls of Rome
They like jazz and a little tequila
And the fountains of the Piazza Navona.
Moscow drowns in nostalgia
Of spring and sunny rivers,
Of Sokolniki with its soft lilacs
And Bulgakov’s ‘yellow flowers’.
A foreigner is sad in Nice,
She’s always thinking of Chagall’s paintings…
Nostalgia walks barefoot
Nonchalantly singing of love.
The cities of the 21st century,
Nostalgic for the world’s past,
Drowned in caffeine lights,
Rushing to work in the morning.